There's an ancient saying about charitable giving and acts of generosity that instructs us to give in such a way that our left hand doesn't know what our right hand is doing. In other words, "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh." Be quiet about your giving. Love quietly. : )
Can we support and come alongside of others when there is truly nothing in it for ourselves to gain... other than the GOOD vibes? I recently read a top ten list of things we do nowadays that would seem totally absurd to people 50 years ago... like, calling someone and asking where they are (because they obviously would be at home, where their phone is, duh?)... or like, taking pictures of a meal (what a waste of film). We live in a world of posting. Private things are more public, and the saying I mentioned above was about keeping some things quiet. So what if you don't even get a blog post, snap chat or picture from the gift you gave? What if it stays completely a secret? I fully believe that there are times we should give and literally expect nothing in return. NOTHING. I also believe that perspective seems pretty UNtrendy right now... and is MUCH needed. So try to embrace being a little UNtrendy... give without any sort of recognition... resist taking a picture or posting anything... don't hijack GOODness for your own gain... and be known by your love for others without the hashtags, posts, tweets or pics. Ready. Set . Go!
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