Back when our oldest son was in grade school, he was tasked with creating a family crest... drawing a shield that represented our family and our values. The description he included read, "My family will do whatever it takes to get the job done. We'll stay up all night or even skip meals to finish."
From the mouths of babes, right?!?! Anne and I were more than slightly embarrassed to hear how our way of life sounded out loud. I remember thinking, "What can we do though? Life is so busy and over-scheduled. Just get 'er done. It is what it is." Or is it? WE decide where our energies go. WE say yes and no. WE choose what FILLs the hours of our days, weeks, months and years. Your heart speaks. Pay attention and listen. What FILLs your heart? MTL005: FILLings on Tuesday, November 1st 6:30-7:30pm in the Hopefull & Discovery rooms @ BGVCC Dessert, drinks & discussion : )
one of the many ways i understand interaction and experience with the divine is a flow.
we human beings seem to have a very distinct familiarity with beauty, compassion, justice, generosity, freedom, peace and so much else… it’s as if our hearts already know them and want us to chase after them in all their magnificent forms. so we dream and create and pursue those ideals. and when our best endeavors inevitably come up short, we rethink & reimagine, and ultimately re-dream, re-create and continue the pursuit. it seems as if we are caught up in a current... that all of life is being nudged and invited forward by a divine flow just beneath the surface. we sense and feel the movement and direction toward GOODness. there is MORE to life. my encouragement to you… go with the flow… move forward into MORE. see you next time at MTL : ) on Tuesday, November 1st from 6:30-7:30PM at the BGVCC in the Discovery and Hopefull rooms. In what was do you give attention to your exteriors on a daily basis?
How do you also direct time, focus and energy to your interiors? Think about moments/days when you feel most connected to your heart. How are those moments/days different from others? What forms that connection? What growth or lack of growth has taken you by surprise in your life? How/when do you know you need rest? What do you do or not do to rest on a daily/weekly/yearly basis? Describe your current season. What are you letting go? What’s next? Who is with you? Think of a time you experienced the death of a dream. How do you feel about it now? |
These posts offer further reflection on topics we tackle during MTL nights.
February 2018
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